With OnTheAir Video 4.2, we have introduced new Action types separated by categories. These actions replace a majority of applescripts that users have made in the past and they offer a new level of reliability and ease of use. To allow even faster editing in the clip inspector, we have also added the ability to define custom user actions. These actions allow you to predefine the available actions including the parameter values. This is useful for such actions as:
- SCTE events with predefined program ID's, event ID's, duration, etc.
- Router commands with a defined IP address, and defined sources and destinations
- MIDI commands with message types, channels, and parameters.
Custom user actions are JSON files stored in the application support folder.
/Library/Application Support/Softron/OnTheAir Video/OnTheAir Video/User Actions/...
Attached below are JSON files you may use to test this feature. For this article, we will focus first on the easier UserAction_LogoOverlay.json, then on the UserAction_SCTE.json.
User Actions: Headers
Open the "UserAction_LogoOverlay.json" in a text editor such as BBEdit. The beginning of the JSON text will have these keys:
- "group name" - This will specify which category the action belongs in. These category names are found in the clip inspector Action dropdown menu. Each category is sectioned with the category icon and title at the top.
- "is_available": - Currently this key is not being used.
- "selector": - As user actions are based off customizing the default actions, you need to choose one of the default actions as a "model". In this case, setLogoOverlayFilename corresponds with the only logo overlay action "Set Logo Overlay". Typically selector names will match the default actions name with no spaces, and in camel case. Note: A full list of these selector names will be made as this feature develops. If you need assistance, please contact support so we may help you.
- "should_run_on_backup": - A boolean option.
After these have been defined, we can start with the parameters.
User Actions: Parameters
Note: Parameters are a separate JSON array. It is important to follow proper JSON syntax while customizing the data.
- "name": - The name of the parameter. This name should match exactly as it says in the default action or it will not correspond to the correct value.
- "is_visible_in_description": - True means that the value will be seen in the clip inspector timeline window. False means the value will only be seen in the "parameters" pop-over window.
- "parameter_type": - There are 8 types of parameter types detailed below.
- "default_value": - This will be the file name with extension as a string.
Parameter types
When creating a User Action, you will need to set the type of parameter the operator will interact with, whether that is a drop-down menu, a field, a checkbox, etc. This choice can limit or expand the options available to the operators. For instance, using "0" means the user would have no choice. Below are the numbers that correspond to the available parameter types:
- 0 -> None
- 1 -> File Path (With a choose button to be able to select a folder)
- 2 -> String (Just one line of text)
- 3 -> Integer Number (a whole number)
- 4 -> Double Number (a number with decimals)
- 5 -> Multiple Values (a drop-down menu)
- 6 -> Blob (BLOB stands for “Binary Large Object”. So it's "binary data", used for example for images, video, or audio)
- 7 -> Boolean (Checkbox)
Making sure you have the Static Logo Overlay: Folder Path setup, as well as having an actual photo item matching the default value, then your custom action should be operational. Open clip inspector and select a playlist Item. When clicking the action plus button, you should see new a new option under the "Logo Overlay" category.
Advanced Methods
If you open the UserAction_SCTE.json file, you will see there are many more parameters listed. Compared to the Logo overlay, will see new options in the parameter fields such as:
- "possible_values": - This allows an array of options. You may list all the options, or even make a more concise list with only certain values. For instance, you may want to remove cancels or any "immediate" actions.
- "index": - Index can assign which order the parameters are listed to the user. If you would like to change the order as opposed to the default action layout.
- "minimum value/maximum value": - It is possible to set custom value ranges using the minimum or maximum value key. For instance, a receiving encoder could be programmed to accept only SCTE Event IDs that are less than 4 digits, but not above 6 digits.
do you have any json examples that work with BitFocus companion?
Hello Kyle. These user actions are to be stored in the folder indicated in the article. Once they are in the folder, you can add them to your clips. But there is currently no way to send these actions using BitFocus companion (with our REST API). If you have a specific need, and would like to discuss more, please open a support ticket, so we can discuss this with you.
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