IMPORTANT NOTE: Only OnTheAir Video creates as-run-logs. This won't work with OnTheAir Video Express.
Setting up the As-Run Logs option
OnTheAir Video can generate "As-run logs" that can be used to know which clips has been broadcasted when. As-run-logs are saved in the folder selected in "Settings > General > As)Run Logs Folder":
Once properly configured, OnTheAir Video will create one Log file every day. Each Log file will be named as this:
OnTheAir Video Log 2011-06-28.txt
The Log file generated is a tab-separated file that can be analyzed using the free application "LogAnalyzer" that you can download from our website or it can also be analysed by any other traffic system.
Analyzing As-Run Logs with LogAnalyzer
The easiest way to analyse As-Run Logs is to read them with LogAnalyzer. With LogAnalyzer you will be able to filter which clip has been broadcasted for a given period of time.
First select where your "As-run-logs" are saved, then select a start date and end date, as well as the application that generated the as-run-log (there can be some differences in the format).
Then in the "Clip Name Filter", add some text to filter the results. You can filter using the full name of the clip, or just part of some names if you want to search multiple clips that contain the same "string" of characters.
Then click on "Analyze", you will then see if LogAnalyzer found some clips in your logs with the filters you have specified.
To export the results, go to the menu File:
Select either:
- Export CSF Files... : This will generate csv files with all the info, this can be used to open in a spreadsheet editor such as Excel or Numbers.
- Print PDF Report... : From the window that opens, you can either print directly, or save as pdf.
Reading the As-Run Logs text files
As said earlier, the file generated by OnTheAir Video is a tab separated text, with the following structure depending on what type of action was done. Below are some example of log lines that are generated.
Application Start/Stop:
2023-06-29 11:41:08 Thursday ********** ONTHEAIR VIDEO STARTED v.4.2 **********
2023-06-29 12:41:08 Thursday ********** ONTHEAIR VIDEO STOPPED v.4.2 **********
Clip Start/stop playing (when chaining one after the other):
2023-06-21 08:47:39 Wednesday KXXV_20230621 CLIP START Home Zone Furniture/Q2 2023 (MPEG-2 Video 1280x720 - PCM - 30.03 - CEA708) 3201E4E6-FB61-4A73-AD1E-F1F3A546B161 0208-W
2023-06-21 08:48:09 Wednesday KXXV_20230621 CLIP STOP Home Zone Furniture/Q2 2023 (Item did change) (MPEG-2 Video 1280x720 - PCM - 30.03) 3201E4E6-FB61-4A73-AD1E-F1F3A546B161
2023-06-21 08:48:09 Wednesday KXXV_20230621 CLIP STOP Home Zone Furniture/Q2 2023 (Playback Stopped) (MPEG-2 Video 1280x720 - PCM - 30.03 - CEA708) 3201E4E6-FB61-4A73-AD1E-F1F3A546B161
We will also log some operations that are done
2023-06-21 08:53:19 Wednesday KXXV_20230621 MANUAL SKIP TO NEXT
2023-06-29 11:47:26 Thursday RESUME PLAYBACK
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