When accessing the popup window to select the Video Output Device in OnTheAir Video (Express) and OnTheAir Node outputs settings, you will see an output named "Virtual Output" in addition to the regular outputs:
This output will always be there, even if you have no real physical output. As its name implies, this is a virtual output, meaning that it does not go out to any physical output. So why is it there if it does not output ?
Well, it can be used for 2 things:
- To run tests : if you have no video output device, you can select that Virtual Output.
- For Web TVs, streaming only who don't need a physical video output, you will select the Virtual Output, and then start a MovieRecorder 3 application on the same computer. OnTheAir Video or OnTheAir Node will be seen as a source in MovieRecorder 3 thanks to the "Direct Link" Exclusive technology. You will be able to set an HLS destination in MovieRecorder 3 to stream directly to the web, without the need for any video i/o device. You will need to use only using the Virtual Output and Direct Link features.
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