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HOW TO: work on playlists and schedules from different computers ?



  • Richard Raaijmakers

    I'm a little confused. The On The Air Manager manual states that if you want to use a shared database you have to purchase On The Air Server.

    Then you are entitled to install as many On The Air Manager clients. But this article assumes you can use a shared database without Server.

    Now, we don't have purchased On The Air Server, but like to use 2 machines from where I can modify our schedule. One from home (connected through VPN), and one at our TV station.

    I don't know if that is possible.


  • Softron Support

    The manual is wrong.  When we came out with OnTheAir Node and OnTheAir Manager, we intended to release OnTheAirServer.  It would have been priced so that it was the equivalent of four or more Managers.  But most of our customers only wanted to use two Managers not four or more.  So we scrapped the idea of the Server and built the ability to allow multiple users to share the schedule but only allow one at a time to make entries - which is what most people wanted.  Long story short - if you want two Machines to modify the schedule, you need two Managers.  You share the same database etc. like everything indicated above.  Sorry for the confusion.


    Mike Skibra

    Business Development Manager

  • Richard Raaijmakers

    Thanks Mike. It's clear now. 

    I still need an On The Air Manager license for every client that connects to the Node (we have one Node)?


  • Softron Support

    No - and yes.  

    You can use OnTheAir Node with OnTheAir Live.  OnTheAir Live is the  playlist application that we provide at no charge.  It can be downloaded from the website and duplicated on as many systems as your wish.  Anyone on the network with access to the Node can use it.  So that is a client, it is free, and it can use the Node.

    OnTheAir Manager is a different thing al together.  It is a comprehensive scheduling application that is designed for 24/7/365 scheduling and control of one or more Nodes.  Normally there is only one person who creates and maintains the schedule, and as I said - in our experience a maximum of two.  If you want to use more - fine.  But do you really want to have that many people sending the daily, weekly, monthly or yearly schedule to the Node.

    OnTheAir Live can create Playlists that Manager can import.  We usually see people other than the Manager user creating playlists using the same media that the Node uses so that the Node can import the playlists into Manager.  


    Clear now?





  • Richard Raaijmakers

    That's clear.

    At our local TV station there are at the moment 2 people who work with On The Air Manager. We change our schedule once a week, and it's either him or me.

    But, we both have a Mac at home, and a VPN connection to the TV station. So it would be really convenient to use On The Air Manager on our home Mac (only when connected through VPN, otherwise On The Air Manager would not see the Shared Database).

    Do we need 2 extra On The Air manager licenses to achieve this?

  • Softron Support

    Hi Richard,


    This is one of the reasons many people purchase dongle licenses for our other applications.  But because of the nature of Manager, we see more often that people use two licenses.  Sometimes their work overlaps - and they just assume control of the schedule and pass it bac.  With a dongle you would have to literally drive across town to hand off the dongle.  Convenience sometimes costs money.





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