The plugin for OnTheAir MOS Gateway is a single page application that serves as a tool to prepare media for your show. MOS Objects can be easily created, filtered, assigned, and updated. The page serves as a tool for producers, editors, and production staff.
With the OnTheAir MOS Gateway application running, you can reach the plugin at the local IP address and ":8090" on the end. Alternatively, you can use "" while on the same machine OnTheAir MOS Gateway is running on.
The plugin is compatible with browsers by Chrome, and Safari. The embedded browsers in ENPS and iNews both leverage Chromium, the embedded Chrome variant. However, it is important to note that the embedded variant has some limitations. As of writing, iNews does not support proprietary codecs live HEVC, or H.264. Meaning proxies will need to be a format like AV1 or VP9 in an webm wrapper.
The page has three sections - MOS Objects, Edited MOS Objects, and Media Files.
In the center column under Edited MOS Objects is a User settings field to configure Light, Dark, or Auto mode.
MOS Objects
This is where the entire catalog of MOS Objects exists. Clicking on "New MOS Object" will trigger a new Title field text entry under the "Edited MOS Objects" column. Clicking "save changes" will return a new MOS object in your list.
MOS Objects should be thought of as containers for media, and/or instructions for OnTheAir Video. Meaning these containers can be reused multiple times in multiple running orders. For instance, say you have a video you would like to re-air in multiple shows. The MOS object can be reused in both shows. This is especially helpful considering we can also add lower third graphics at timed moments. Additionally, if a producer were to misspell a lower third, you would only need to fix the MOS object once for it to update in every show that uses it.
There are two other types of MOS Objects that will appear in the column. The first one is the template type object. Templates may control external devices, and their video assignment is irrelevant. For instance, a template that tells a switcher to take a camera does not need a video. Template types shows up as a great background in the list. The other template type is an XPLI file. In OnTheAir Video, users may export a single item's attributes like lower thirds, or start animation to an XPLI. These can then be shared across multiple properties that might wish to run the same video file. The XPLI can then be used to have the same attributes at every location without burning the graphics into the media. XPLIs show up as a gold color with a lock.
Users may also mark MOS objects to be "persistent", in the editing section. Persistent means the object will not appear in the bulk delete method in OnTheAir MOS Gateway (window>MOS objects...).
Users can quickly filter for XPLIs, Placeholders, and Persistent objects by clicking on the checkbox next to the label.
Learn more about templates here >
Learn more about XPLIs here >
If you want to assign a video asset to a MOS object, you may drag the video from the Media Files column on top of the MOS object selected.
Clicking on a MOS Object opens the items in the column Edited MOS Object.
Note: Double clicking on a MOS object will duplicate the object.
Edited MOS Object
Note: Every MOS object has a unique ID. In the plugin, it is easy to find this name. Click on an MOS object and the name will be immediately under the title "Edited MOS object".
MOS object Title (slug) can be customized right in the plugin. Most users make it identical to the story slug. ENPS can auto-create MOS Objects from the auto-create field inside ENPS. The button to the right of the title (blue down arrow) quickly copies and pastes the title into the media filename field.
The next entry is the Media Filename field. Again, users may type a custom file name of their choice. If a file shows up in the watch folder with this unique name, it will automatically associate it with the MOS object. If the media filename field is blank and then that MOS object is added to an NRCS storyline, MOS Gateway will auto-generate a unique ID filename for your convenience. The editor would then use this name for their file. Even if a file name is already written in, it is still easy to drag and drop a different media file or write a new media filename afterwards.
- Duration will show the assigned media file's duration and any additional attributes like associated transition timing applied via a template.
- Theoretical duration is to enter placeholder durations for producers to time their shows in pre-production.
- "Persist" keeps the MOS object out of the bulk delete window in OnTheAir MOS Gateway (window>MOS objects).
- Last modification date will change with each edit, always showing the latest.
- Object type is automatically set to video, however OnTheAir MOS Gateway does have a "Template" type option that will be automatically chosen when using templates.
- Users may select templates for MOS Objects using the template dropdown. The other method to make templates is described in the Media Files: Templates section.
- Channel allows objects to go to certain OnTheAir Video instances. For example, if you have the MOS playlist open in OnTheAir Video 1, 2, & 3, objects can be assigned to a specific instance. This is helpful for monitor routing in a studio. Video walls can be assigned to OnTheAir Video 3, while the main playlist is used for camera shots.
Video Preview
The video preview section is immediately underneath the template, and above the "New Lower Third". The video preview section changes based on the last user selection. The selection updates when:
- a user clicks on a MOS object
- if a media file is assigned, that media will show in the preview
- if no media file is assigned, that area will be blank
- a user clicks on a media file in the Media Files column.
- Note that you can select a MOS object with no assigned media, then click on a media file. This will show the selected media file in the preview window underneath the MOS object, but that does not indicate that it is assigned to the MOS object.
When the user is clicked on a MOS object, a video file will have the non-destructive edit controls underneath the video. In the above image, there is "Mark In/Out, Go to In/Out, Clear In/Out". The changes made to the MOS object will be present for every playlist the MOS object is in.
Lower Thirds
The "New Lower Third" button will add a CG text field underneath. Custom CG projects may be added to the OnTheAir MOS Gateway application in settings.
Note: Make sure the same projects are also available in OnTheAir Video.
Underneath the lower third project will be the text fields published in the project. Once save changes is applied, this will update the lower third text in every story/show the MOS object is used. Producers may also add a time in point for the graphic using the HH:MM:SS format. Durations on the lower third can also be assigned, though its use depends on the lower thirds design.
Media Files
OnTheAir MOS Gateway scans one directory for all media files. They will show in the column with their codec, last modified date, and duration. Users may drag these files directly to the MOS object. Clicking on the file will load a preview into the video preview. The search field will immediately filter on every letter written in the field entry.
In a separate tab is the Templates options. Notice that the search field now has a placeholders checkbox, allowing filtering based off of projects from the placeholders playlist. Reminder that templates have a grey background, and placeholders have a purple background.
To make one of these template types into a MOS object, users just need to double click on the item they want to use.
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